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Decisions...decisions. Some good...some not so good. One thing is for sure-the more questionable the decision the more entertaining the story.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Cleaning up my act

I'm resurrecting the blog site...but this time it's not about weight loss.  But getting to the weight loss...I did it--I lost the weight.  I was at the doctor's office today and while I've gained 5 pounds I am no where near the weight I was when I blogged about the Belly Fat Diet.  The secret---eat wisely, exercise at least 3X a week, run a 1/2 marathon with a friend, and love yourself no matter what size you are.

So why am I resurrecting this blog....well I AM NOW UNEMPLOYED.  I want to document my search and perhaps shed some light on this thing we call UNEMPLOYMENT.

So today marks the beginning of WEEK 1 of my newly acquired unemployed status.  As with anything before you embark on a journey you need to make sure everything is in great working order before you head off in your journey.

This week will be all about getting everything organized. Commuting over 3 counties for the last 6 months was BRUTAL.  I am a reflection of my home, car, body, and spirit.  It's a mess...so this week I need to clean it up.  I can't be the chosen candidate if I'm oozing mess and disorganization.  So week one is about cleaning up my act.  Let's do this!!!