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Decisions...decisions. Some good...some not so good. One thing is for sure-the more questionable the decision the more entertaining the story.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


So you've submitted your resume and now you are waiting.  Sometimes you will wait for a few days, or a few weeks, and in some cases you will wait FOREVER to hear from your choice employer to be.  This wait can be attributed to many applicants responding, to a end date on the application gathering side, or simply because your resume and cover letter went unnoticed.

It's harsh sometimes to accept the possibility that you just were not chosen.  But instead of dwelling on when they will call there are a few things you should be doing right now.  The first is learning your resume.  Being able to recite it in any order as needed.  You should also be keeping track where you are applying, so that if a prospective employer calls you ---you are ready.  You should have questions prepared for each employer, and you should be prepared to share with the hiring manager--what contributions you will be able to make and what exactly sets you apart from the other applicants.  What is your competitive advantage?

Here's a "to-do" fact sheet I've created for my prospective employers as I wait for their calls:

Who is their competition?
What does their website say?
What is the latest news for this industry?
Why do I want to work for them?
What is my competitive advantage?
Why should they choose me over another candidate?
If they provide a job description online- print it out and highlight areas of interest as speaking points.
Include other information you feel may be necessary for this phone screening/interview.

You should print out your resume and have it handy.  I personally would not recommend participating in a phone screening if you do not have your resume and your fact sheet in front of you.  The phone screening is your opportunity to make a great first impression.  First impressions are everything.

The last tip is to learn how to manage these incoming calls.  If they call and it is not a good time (Example: You are in a noisy daycare, the dog is barking, you are at the gym, or you do not have your resume and fact sheet in front of you) let it go to voicemail or, request a scheduled time for the phone screening and explain that the noise level will not allow you to participate at this time.  They will offer a scheduled time and you have an opportunity to make the best professional first impression at a time that is convenient for you.

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