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Decisions...decisions. Some good...some not so good. One thing is for sure-the more questionable the decision the more entertaining the story.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Unemployment benefits (EDD)

I was very impressed with how streamlined the process of filing for unemployment benefits has become. The website was easy to locate (www.edd.ca.gov/) and the online claim form took approximately 10 minutes to complete. Within 5 business days I was sent a letter notifying me that I had a scheduled call with EDD on a specific date and I was provided a 2 hour window of time of when the EDD representative was scheduled to call me.

The letter contained information relaying my estimated benefits to be paid if benefits were granted and also had a section on the back that listed the questions I was most likely going to be asked pertaining to my claim. I took a few minutes to complete the questions on the back even though this isn't required, just to make sure I presented all the information I believed was pertinent to my claim.

EDD claims are usually denied or approved based on the circumstances of the termination. If a termination is involuntary claims are usually approved as long as you did not participate in gross misconduct on the job. If a termination is voluntary then the circumstances are evaluated to see if you left your former job for good cause.

Good cause might include:
  • Change in travel time or distance
  • Moving beyond reasonable commuting distance with a spouse or registered domestic partner
  • Being required to care for a seriously ill child
  • Protecting yourself from domestic violence
  • Leaving an employer that did not address serious harassment or safety issues
  • Going to school
According to EDD the following do not generally constitute good cause:
  • Leaving due to increased child care costs
  • Looking for another job
  • Demotion or change in job duties
  • Moving with a significant other that is not your spouse or registered domestic partner
My call from EDD was on time as scheduled and the EDD representative was very friendly. Upon hearing the details of my separation from my last employer the representative asked me the questions that appeared on my letter. I answered honestly and offered to provide documentation, but the EDD representative indicated that was not necessary. She shared that I would have an answer on my eligibility within 3-5 business days.

EDD now offers the ability to set up a 4 digit passcode via their automated telephone service. By setting this passcode up you can then by phone complete the continued claim form and save a stamp on returning those forms by mail. EDD benefits are being paid out through a debit card system. Since I have not received my first unemployment payment I cannot share how that new process works for me.

I am just very grateful that employers pay into the Unemployment Fund to provide unemployment benefits when you are in between jobs. While the payment is only equal to a minimum of $40 and a maximum of $450.00 per week, this cash flow does help a family survive during periods of unemployment.

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