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Decisions...decisions. Some good...some not so good. One thing is for sure-the more questionable the decision the more entertaining the story.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Unemployed: Week 2

Week Two of being unemployed was an incredible experience.  The cover letters and resumes I sent out received responses and I think a lot had to do with following through with what I posted earlier regarding these tools.  Each letter was customized for a specific employer and each resume was tailored around the position I chose for consideration.

The job market in San Diego appears to be very dynamic and new help wanted ads appear daily on the job bulletin boards I have chosen to monitor.  I do have to point out that in making my unemployment status a public announcement friends are referring positions to me which is an even bigger help in my search.

As I go through my search there's been a lot of soul searching.  I know what I do best and what I feel in my opinion I need development and improvement.  I've chosen to apply to positions that call on my strongest attributes and so far that strategy has been producing phone screenings and actual face to face interviews.

In the last two weeks I have secured 8 phone screenings that have allowed me to move forward in 4 different recruiting cycles for 4 different positions. Today I secured a 9th phone screening and I'm very excited about the possibility it creates.  I think the most important aspect of my job hunt is that I'm keeping an open mind, keeping myself balanced, and most importantly putting my best foot forward.

I'm doing everything to control and manage the things I can control and manage.  The rest is part of the job seeking game.  Remaining positive and taking each contact as a learning experience makes this a very fun and educational time for me.

I thank my friends for the support and encouragement they give me on this journey.

My next blog will feature how to manage the EDD call.  The one you receive after applying for unemployment benefits.  Now that was fun, and I'll share that with you very soon!


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